However, what I did not realise is that most antenatal groups/classes begin when you are between 30-32 weeks pregnant. Meaning mine should have been in August. Unfortunately, I was told that the NHS Antenatal classes are not offered in the month of August in the Borough of Lewisham due to midwifes taking holiday. The next class I was being offered was in September as the classes in July had already been booked up!
I was devastated as I felt I would be unprepared for my birth and I had so many questions as I was planning on a Hypnobirth lead home birth. I had already looked into private Hypnobirth classes but they were above my price limit. I started to reach out to a few companies and fortunately for me Hypnobambinos got back to me!
Throughout the two Saturday sessions I learnt:
• Methods to help release some fears I had of birth; which included positive affirmations and information I may have needed in order to feel in control during any situation that may occur within my labour
• How the mind and body work together and the influence that can have on my labour and birth
• Self Hypnosis methods, visualisation, breathing and stroking techniques to ease me into relaxation
• Tips on how to avoid unnecessary chemical induction
• How to birth comfortably using the ability of my body
• Birth physiology, the process of birth, and the drugs and interventions that I may come across

I was also given resources to take home with me to help me practice what I had learnt throughout the course. This included a book, mp3 recordings, visualisations to help keep me calm and relaxed, information around the muscles of the uterus and so much more.
I would urge everybody to trial Hypnobirthing along side the antenatal classes you are given through the NHS (which are a lot more surgical procedure based) as Hypnobirth changes your mindset into that of a more positive one. Before the sessions I felt anxious and worried about the birth of my son but after Hypnobirthing I felt like I was in more control of my body and instead of being nervous and anxious, I became excited about labour as it would be one more step closer to holding my baby.
To get the most out of the sessions and resources, I would advice you to complete the relaxation techniques daily as well as reading a little bit of your book each day.
If you would like more information on Hypnobambinos please click here.
I was toying with the idea of Hypnobirth with my first baby but I didn’t have the time to prepare just like you.
Yes it can be time consuming, but definitely worth it especially the positive affirmations 🙂
Thanks for sharing, very insightful!
I am glad you found the read insightful 🙂
Hypnobambinos sounds wonderful. I wish I’d tried something like this when I had my two little ones.
Louise x