Mrs Mactivity Halloween Special


Not my usual remit but as a new Mama I’ve decided to broaden my horizon when it comes to blogging and what I review.

Don’t get me wrong my blogs main focus of documenting my vegan journey will remain. I am just adjusting my focus to include motherhood. Which will include reviews on children’s activities and so on. As well as my sons vegan journey by sharing with you that vegan children are healthy and can get all their nutrients from plants!


Now that’s out the way let me introduce to you “Mrs Mactivity”.

Mrs Mactivity offers parents and teachers creative resources that are suitable for children. The resources have been made by teachers and created by “real” little humans! Mrs Mactivity’s promotes fun learning and this is shown through their range of resources.

The resources are mostly free but Mrs Mactivity does charge a small yearly free of £9.97 which includes access to the whole site and so that additional resources can be created.


As my young king is only a month old I was unable to get him involved with the resources.

However I did print out the pumpkin stencils and released my inner “child” before making a pumpkin latte with pumpkin flesh.

As much as I don’t want my baby to grow up too quick I am looking forward to the days he will be able to get involved in these activities as he will learn how to be creative without realising he’s learning as the activities are so fun.

If you want to have some fun with these learning resources please click here and make sure you have a look at their Christmas selection as that is out now too!

*I was gifted with a free subscription to Mrs Mactivities learning resources to write this post. All opinions are my own.